Sat March 18, 2023
I just mentioned my blog on Twitter
Smerconish on CNN said that 44 % of us are Independents and we need a space ?
Well , NO LABELS organization just collected 70 Million dollars and that is their point .
Nothing else. NO GUTS to declare what they BELIEVE IN
Do they believe in HELPING DEMOCRACY Flourish or just plan to DIVIDE those who believe in DEMOCRACY
PS This morning @MSNBC announced BREAKING NEWS of
TRUMP announcing that he was going to be INDICTED on Tuesday and that PEOPLE should be PROTESTING to TAKE BACK AMERICA
VIOLENCE announced and i ask WHO DID the LEAK from NY AG office ?
WHY did they give TRUMP a 3 days to get his supporters to PLAN A RIOT ?
@FBI should immediately be ready also the @TheJusticeDept