Thursday, February 14, 2019

US DEBT reaches 22 Trillion

February 14, 2019

These days the BIG NEWS is that  , the US Debt reached  22 Trillion dollars .
Back on  Dec 6, 2010  , I went to Go Daddy and bought 3 domains  USDebtNOmore.US  and USDebtNOmore

When I started writing  this blog , it was on Dec 16 , 2010  ....

The Debt was  if I remember correctly  17 Trillions ?

I will have to look it up and come back and write about it.

The question is   WHY  did I say  USDebtNOmore ??   well because I had an idea about how the US Government  and  any other Government should go about it , NOT  to have to borrow for its  expenses /Budget .

Now that everybody is talking about  22 Trillion US  Debt , I feel I should have said something before .  But who will listen to me .  Actually I had written a small letter to the Editor of Ann Arbor News  back in 1989 or 1990 . It was published  and I probably can find the copy in my  papers .

But no time now  > just wanted to mention it because the idea was back then expressed . 
So goodbye for now  I will publish this and come back to edit the date

However  I have no longer access to my blog  titled  :  and I must declare some positions and beliefs I have had for ever it seems.
so I will have to write it on this one