Saturday, October 30, 2021

Tonight POLLOCRACY at WORK again

 October 30 , 2021

It is now 11:18 pm

I had not intended to write tonight

But i received an Email  saying    POLL  showing   Biden ,Trump tied in Potential 2024 Match-Up

That was a dangerous way to think  and i decided to come here and  remind everyone of the Political Tern i had coined over 20 years ago 

POLLOCRACY    the power of the POLLS  to influence and undercut   DEMOCRACY

That was in a letter to the Editor  of  ANN ARBOR NEWS  pubblished on May 4,1991 

The  Editorial Board  had titled it :  SAY  NO  to  AMERICAN  POLLOCRACY

At first  i was not happy about THEIR  choice of  adding AMERICAN

Now , 20 years later i think perhaps they added  American because they knew no other Nation uses POLLING in such a way .

After all they knew i had written another letter about  TED KOPPEL 's  question to DUKAKIS  13 days before Nov 1988 Election

to be continued