Friday, March 29, 2019

PROBLEM not fixed

Tonight is  March 29, 2019

I found that on Feb 27, 2011  i found the HORRIBLE news that i was no longer able to see my 3 or 4 Blogs at the same time as i had before

Only USDebtNOmore comes up  . i wrote to Google as feedback, but unfortunately i could not submit it .
So , i am writing this here again .
I was shocked to NOTICE  the DATE  of  2011 .   I never thought it was almost 8 years ago OMG .

i am going to try to see if  the  comes up

malee or mali

Thursday, February 14, 2019

US DEBT reaches 22 Trillion

February 14, 2019

These days the BIG NEWS is that  , the US Debt reached  22 Trillion dollars .
Back on  Dec 6, 2010  , I went to Go Daddy and bought 3 domains  USDebtNOmore.US  and USDebtNOmore

When I started writing  this blog , it was on Dec 16 , 2010  ....

The Debt was  if I remember correctly  17 Trillions ?

I will have to look it up and come back and write about it.

The question is   WHY  did I say  USDebtNOmore ??   well because I had an idea about how the US Government  and  any other Government should go about it , NOT  to have to borrow for its  expenses /Budget .

Now that everybody is talking about  22 Trillion US  Debt , I feel I should have said something before .  But who will listen to me .  Actually I had written a small letter to the Editor of Ann Arbor News  back in 1989 or 1990 . It was published  and I probably can find the copy in my  papers .

But no time now  > just wanted to mention it because the idea was back then expressed . 
So goodbye for now  I will publish this and come back to edit the date

However  I have no longer access to my blog  titled  :  and I must declare some positions and beliefs I have had for ever it seems.
so I will have to write it on this one